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English Concertinas
English Concertinas
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Welcome to McNeela Music, where we specialize in making top traditional Irish instruments. We are very proud to have a range of high-quality English Concertinas, perfectly designed for playing any kind of traditional folk music.
Our English Concertina models feature a 30-button design, built mainly in the key of C. Its Czech-made steel reeds give the instrument a lovely bright tone, and also helps to make it smooth to play as well. Each of these elements makes our English Concertinas really lovely instruments to play.
We have concertina models for all ages and stages. So whether you’re just starting out on one, or have already been playing for many years, we’re sure to have something for you!
Difference Between an English and Anglo Concertina:
English concertinas are used to play mostly English folk music and are unisonoric (plays the same note on the push and pull of the bellows). This button layout facilitates the easy playing of chords, making the English concertina a great fit for accompanying ballads and sea shanties.
On the other hand, Anglo concertinas are bisonoric instruments (plays different notes on the push and pull of the bellows). These concertinas normally have either a Wheatstone or Jeffries layout and are much more common in Traditional Irish Music.
See Some of Our English style concertina reviews:
Simply amazing! Great quality... I love the sound and ease of play - Randal W.
I opened the box and was delighted with my concertina. It looks and feels lovely - Essie A.
A beautiful instrument that produces a lovely sound - Edward V.
Interested to know more about the different types of concertinas? Be sure to have a look at our incredible music blog here: