What is a B footjoint?
A B foot joint extends the range of the flute and means that this flute can play a low B in addition to the standard C# and C♮. The lowest note you can play with this foot joint attached to the flute is the note B3. Whether you play in an orchestra or are exploring solo repertoire, advanced flute players will frequently come across musical passages that require this low B.
The additional weight typically alters a flute's resonant characteristics, adding depth to the lower register as well as an overall mellowing of the tone, including in the upper register. If you’re an advanced student who's serious about your flute playing then a B footjoint is the next step for you.
What is an offset G?
A flute with an offset G means the G key, operated by the left ring finger, is off centre and not in line with other keys. Because this finger is shorter than the middle finger it is more comfortable and ergonomic for this key to be offset, making it easier to reach, than if the key was inline (keys all in a straight line). This makes an instrument with an offset G key easier to operate for players with smaller hands.
What is a split E mechanism?
A split E mechanism increases the stability of the flute's third register E, helping to produce a stronger tone and improving intonation, and making the note easier to produce by closing certain keys on the flute.
What is the benefit of open holes?
Open holes achieve several things. They offer the player a greater tonal variation, allowing for the playing of micro tones, multi phonics and slides - techniques which commonly feature in contemporary or jazz music. It is typically recommended flute players move to an open hole flute from Grade 6 upwards. Closed holes are preferable for beginner to intermediate flute players. The McNeela Open Hole Concert Flute comes with tone hole plugs to facilitate players making the transition.
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