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A Style Mandolins
A Style Mandolins
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When choosing a mandolin for you, the big question everyone always has is choosing between A-style and F-style mandolins. Luckily for you, here at McNeela Instruments, we have a selection of top quality A-style mandolins to help you choose your next mandolin model.
The main feature of an A-style mandolin is its teardrop shaped body, with an oval hole at its centre. This body shape paired with the oval sound hole means that the timbre of the mandolin is slightly warmer with a smoother attack compared to the F-style models. This sound lends itself well to various genres of folk music, but also to traditional Irish music and bluegrass as well.
The 'A style' mandolin models tend to be more on the affordable side due to their simple design, so they may be a more promising option to those looking for a new mandolin on a budget. That being said, the more expensive and higher quality the A-style mandolin is, the less of the differences there are in sound between the A-style and F-style mandolin style.
With that said, it’s hard to go wrong in choosing a product like one of these gorgeous price friendly instruments!
If you’d like to know more about the A style mandolin, be sure to check out our music blog below for more details: