Paolo Soprani Accordions

Paolo Soprani Accordions

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At McNeela, not only are we well versed in hand-crafting our very own brand of accordions, but we also sell the unmissable, highest standard accordions brought in from other top quality brands as well, such as the super

Paolo Soprani.



Who is Paolo Soprani? 


Originating from the Italian town Castelfidaro, Paolo Soprani has been making some of the highest quality Italian accordions in the game for over 100 years. As a company, they offer a variety of stunning piano accordions and sleek chromatic and diatonic button models. They are renowned for their incredible sound quality, standard of product construction, and responsive playability. Plus, Paolo Soprani accordions produce a bright but incredibly full tone with a level of energy in the low register akin to a bass accordion. It’s easy to see why so many players have chosen such a reputable brand for their own personal home accordions.


What Paolo Soprani Accordions do we offer?

At McNeela, we consider ourselves lucky enough to offer a selection of super

Paolo Soprani accordions

for sale. One of the highest calibre models we offer, The Paolo Soprani Jubilee IV, is an exceptionally crafted instrument played by accordion players at every level. Boasting its famous Voci Armoniche Tipo a Mano reeds, Paolo Soprani’s Jubilee IV has a dynamic two register (one bass and three treble), four-voice sound and excellent response action for optimal playability.
Doubling as both a chromatic instrument and diatonic accordion in B/C, it shows unparalleled versatility, suited to play all sorts of genres, including of course, traditional Irish music. We offer this particular product in a stunning cherry-red colour, as well as a classy grey finish. 
The Paolo Soprani Jubilee IV has been considered the ‘Rolls Royce’ of four-voice Irish


. If you're curious to learn about how an Italian accordion has become an integral part of irish music. Check out our blog:


Shipping: We ship your musical instruments all over the world, but if you live in Dublin why not come and play our premium Paolo Soprani accordions in person? We are situated in Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Dublin. 

Shipping times: IRELAND (Next Day) - UK (3-5 days) - EUROPE (7 days) - USA/CANADA and Rest Of World (7 days)

If you’re looking for more information and details regarding our selection of

super Paolo

Soprani piano and button accordions, you can browse our product range below: